Springfield School District Standardizes With ClearFire Condensing Boilers

There are 24 schools in the Springfield Public Schools district, located in Springfield, Oregon. Terry Rutledge, mechanical foreman for the school district, knew that standardizing the boilers sytems would be beneficial with regard to serviceablity, maintenance, and replacement parts. 

Rutledge said, "To have a top-notch, experienced boiler tech come in and know everything about 15 different boiler systems is a little bit challenging. By standardizing the systems, the output can be different, but the components are the same."


The condensing boilers in two new elementary schools failed after just a few years, and maintenance on the systems was an ongoing task. Rutledge's team replaced every major component in at least one boiler at both schools. 

Rutledge wanted to identify a different condensing boiler manufacturer that could meet the needs of all 24 schools in the district.


The Cleaver-Brooks ClearFire line of condensing boilers met the district's performance, serviceability, and easy-of-install goals. The ClearFire-CE (CFC-E) boiler, voted 2019 Product of the Year by HVAC engineers, is designed to achieve up to 99% efficiency. It features dual temperature returns, making it simple to integrate into any building design. The CFC-E fits through a standard doorway, which means Rutledge doesn't have to remove a window or drill a hole in the wall to install the boiler at any location.


Eight schools in the district now have ClearFire boilers, and Rutledge said his goal is to replace all the boilers in the district with ClearFire ones. On the rare occasion that Rutledge has to seek help, he said, "I'm super pleased with the support we've received and highly recommend Cleaver-Brooks to anyone."

"To have a top-notch, experienced boiler tech come in and know everything about 15 different boiler systems is a little bit challenging. By standardizing the systems, the output can be different, but the components are the same."

Terry Rutledge, Mechanical Foreman, Springfield School District 

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Cleaver-Brooks has a dedicated Training Department offering Web-Based Programs, Co-Sponsored Authorized Representative Regional Programs, Custom On-Site Programs at the customer’s facility, and programs held at Cleaver-Brooks facilities.

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Purchasing Cleaver-Brooks Genuine Parts is the best way to keep your boiler system operating at peak performance. Our parts are precision-engineered to fit your boiler, and they are rigorously tested for quality to ensure your boiler runs safely and reliably.

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Our rental solutions provide for: capacity increases, peak demand, plant or steam outages, equipment shutdown due to inspection, retrofit or repair, and redundancy or disaster response contingency plan.